Friday 18 November 2011

Big update!!

Sorry i haven't updated in a while! I actually forgot i had this blog, so that's why i haven't updated. Here's what i've been up to, in pictures.

A very,very early picture of my Work In Progress program. That's why the sky's the wrong shade of blue, the ground is perfectly flat, and the pyramid looks wrong. When it's finished, it'll tell you about how pyramids are built, and several egyptian superstitions concerning them.

Here is a picture of my Tutankhamun mask.First, my Granny first drew it out, then i traced it, then traced it again because it wasn't strong enough on the tracing paper, then once i had transferred it it onto the mural, i traced it for a third time, and voila! There you have it. Mind you, it still needs colour, so that's going to be done soon.

A day in the Life of Ra(or Re, or Amon-Re,etc.)

Here it is, as the tile says.

Ra was tired. He always was, after sailing through the Duat, and fighting Apep. But now, he felt lightened, as his boat came over the horizon, and the first light of morning shone upon the Great Pyramids.
Ra smiled at the sight. Dawn always made him feel better, and to see the pyramids light up like stars, that was a grand sight. In the north, he saw smoke in the Land of the Mitanni. Tuthmosis the Second was busy this year, destroying the disbelievers. Then, he turned his eyes to the south. He saw the great cities next to the Nile slowly wake up.

An hour later, he saw he was nearing the valley of Kings. They honour the dead well, thought Ra as he saw the tombs. And then, he looked north again, and saw the mighty temples of Karnak and Luxor. It was the time of the Festival of Opet. Amun's statue was being taken out of the temple, and loaded onto a gold-gilded barque. It would be taken to Amun's other temple, at Luxor. Being over the temple, he could smell the burning incense. He was in awe of the Egyptians, and their monuments.
One day he would take some time off, send Horus to drive the barque across the sky, and he would meet the people who designed and built these vast monuments, in and out of the Underworld. Of course, his nightly battle with Apep would cause trouble. Hmm. . . There'd be a way. Now, it was midday, and he was directly above the Great Pyramid. An amazing sight- a sun in the sky, and a sun on the earth.
"Lord? What is it?" Horus asked, seeing the awestruck expression on Ra's face.
"Just the sights. You know, Horus, one day i'd like to meet some of the people who made these places. You could row the barque across the sky, just to stop it being eternal night, and i'd meet you back in the Duat at nightfall. But i do want to see who could design such things as that pyramid."
"My Lord, i thought the barque could only be rowed by you! " said an alarmed Horus.
"Just a myth to stop it being stolen. Keep it quiet. And no need to call me " Lord ". " said Ra.
"Very well, Ra." said Horus.
He looked down, and saw the Nile below him. It was trying to pull him into the Duat, but he was wary of that.
Then, he looked back to the horizon. My, was Egypt grand.