Friday 30 September 2011

Review of the Anubis slayings

Summary: The Anubis slayings are the story of the second murder spree in the rule of queen Hatusu, and the second one to have been followed by Amerotke. Hatusu had planned to sign a peace treaty with the broken Mitanni. However, on the eve of the day that the treaty was to be signed, two of the emmisaries who were staying in the Temple of Anubis are found dead, and the treaty is postponed. A night later, the Glory of Anubis , a huge amethyst, is found to be missing, it's guardian dead. Soon after, a traveller named Sinuhe is found dead, a locksmith named Belet is gone, and an attempt is taken on Chief Judge Amerotke's life, after Hatsu's father's tomb is robbed. Amerotke yet again pieces everything together, and the Mitanni are found to be guilty. However, it is too late, as the treaty is signed, and they are gone.

Most interesting part: The unexpected meeting with the Children of the Nile- a cult whom worship Sobek, the Crocodile God.

Rating:10/10- a perfect murder-mystery for older readers(12+)

Review of the Horus Killings.

Description: The Horus Kilings is a murder-mystery set in Anicient Egypt. Hatusu, the last Pharoh's daughter, has but ascended to power. All she needs is the backing of the priests, but with a strange and varied spree of murders, it is growing less likely. Only the Chief Judge, Amerotke even has a clue as to what is happening, and why it is linked to the mysterious Maze of the Underworld. People who support Hatusu's claim are dropping like flies. In the end, after following a tenous chain of clues, the murderer turns out that the wife of one of her most loyal supporters who killed anyone who had either found out a way Hatusu's claim was valid, or anyone who would find out. Hatusu rises to power, at the cost of six lives.

Most interesting part: The clever attempt on Amerotke's life. He was crossing the nile on a large reed-boat, when it is found that the water jars that act as ballast for the boat are instead filled with blood. This attracts crocodiles and hippos, who sink the boat. The Chief judge only survives because of another boat showing up at the last minute.

Rating: 10/10- A murder-mystery, filled with intrigue, in an old-world situation. Definately one for older readers.

Friday 23 September 2011

Today, i have made a video of the first pyramid of the first of three giza pyramids that i will build in minecraft. It is menkaure's pyramid, smallest of the three, half the size of the largest.

Here's a link to the video. Enjoy!

(put this into the bar at the top)

Also, the interior is relatively accurate, thanks to this map.

Expect to see more updates soon!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Pyramid Size

Yesterday I finished building the smallest pyramid of the great pyramids in minecraft, and today I did some maths telling me how many blocks were in the pyramid. What I did was find out how many blocks the first layer was to a side (which was 50 ) , multiply the number by itself(squaring), and then take two off of the first number(the number of blocks per side), to find out how many blocks there were to a side one layer higher. Also, I found a convenient algorithm(mathematical pattern.) There was a difference of 196 blocks between the amount of sandstone in the first layer and the second layer. The next difference was 188 blocks. I continued finding out the difference, and I noticed a pattern. The differences became 8 smaller(eight less blocks of difference) every sum I got closer to the finish. So I used this cleverly. I would take the last difference, subtract 8 from it, and then take the result off of the last answer. My final answer to how many blocks there were in the pyramid was 22100 blocks, An awful lot.
This is the smallest pyramid . . . the biggest is twice as big. Then afterwards I wrote a tiny, 5-10 line program that did half an hour's worth of work from my side in 0.000005 seconds(or ridiculously fast, anyway ). Here it is, in DarkBASIC.


For x=50 to 2 step -2


text 20,20, (answer)


Friday 9 September 2011

Pyramid distances

For my MINECRAFT project.

The distance between Menkaure's pyramid and Khafres pyramid is 300 m west, and 118 m south. This will become 150 blocks west, and 59 blocks south.

The distance between khafre's pyramid and khufu's pyramid is 270 m west, and 215 m south. This will become 135 blocks west, and 107 blocks south